Os melhores livros de 2014

Japan Drug - António Júlio Duarte

Com o aproximar do final do ano é altura de fazer uma revisão ao ano que está a terminar. Com esta revisão vem também as listas com o melhor e o pior do ano, desde exposições, imagens de fotojornalismo ou livros. As escolhas são várias e apesar de vários livros se cruzarem nas diversas listas que começam a aparecer. Contudo e apesar de estas se definirem por vários critérios (sejam eles quais forem), nunca deixam de ser escolhas subjectivas.

Time Photo Department

"<i>Tiergarten</i> was my favorite book of the year (so far).  Published from Roma the Dutch, run by designer Roger Willems and artist, Mark Manders.  Johannes Schwartz took photographs of meals fed to “wild” animals at the Moscow Zoo and printed them oversized on a Risograph press.  Risograph is usually reserved for zines and small scale books as the reproduction is very difficult to remain consistent. The colors tend to run unevenly and registration can shift from page to page leading to strange and unpredictable textures.  This effect is used to enhance the animals “slop” (slabs of fish, hunks of raw meat, heaps of vegetables and chunks of bread) into shifting abstractions of food, sometimes beautiful, sometimes repellent."

<br><br>-David Strettell, founder and owner of Dashwood Books
Tiergarten - Johannes Schwartz

Vencedores da Paris Photo - Aperture Fundation Photobook Awards 2014
Finalistas do Photobook Awards 2014

Imaginary Club - Olivier Sieber
Photobook Award Kassel 2014

Rome - Anders Peterson
photo-eye Best books of 2014

Strange Paradise - Charlie Rubin

+ esta publicação será editada consoante a informação recolhida online.

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